Chipway provides Digital skills, well known in France, Suisse, Tunisie, USA...
Since 1995, Chipway was a pioneer of the Internet in France.
Our long existence in this sector and our varied experiences have enabled us to create and maintain a high level of expertise on the internet tool, its stakes, its uses, its best practices and the technologies used and in particular open source solutions (free software).
When reviewing your internet, intranet or extranet projects, we can act for you, according to your needs, in the following stages of implementation:
- advise our clients on the digital strategy and corresponding technologies,
- study the advisability and feasibility of websites, extranet social network, …
- identify targets of your digital or internet technology projects,
- define the needs and expectations of targetted audiences,
- drafting specifications and assisting the contracting authority in its project,
- Prepare tender documents and participate in the processing, synthesis and comparison of responses,
- auditing websites, functional viewpoints, ergonomics, accessibility, architecture, realisation, safety and performance,
- appraise projects under development to reduce technical debt,
- monitor and validate the implementation,
- organise, coordinate and facilitate project teams,
- outline and compare technical architectures, ...
To find a skilled digital consultant, contact us.